Tag: level design

Weeples Concept Art
Meegles Dev

Final concept art

I think I have this concept art as far as I want to take it, which, for concept art, probably was overkill, but I figured I’d learn some things while doing it, and it would be good practice for making the real assets. I’m sure I’ll make many tweaks going forward, but it’s a start. I was starting to feel like rendering this out was taking a lot of time, and it did, so I’m

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Weeples Concept Art - Saloon
Meegles Dev

Concept art update

I made quite a bit of progress on the concept art tonight, mostly in the saloon and mercantile structures. It’s really cool to see things start to come together! Now time for bed.

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Weeples Concept Art
Meegles Dev

Concept art work-in-progress

I’ve been working on some concept art which is taking longer than I anticipated. I’m not yet fast at pixel art, but I’m chugging along. I’m working in Aesprite, which I’m loving. This has got me thinking about things…scale, color, and some ideas on game elements. I’m finding the limited palette both freeing and constraining at the same time. It’s freeing because I don’t have to think too much about finding colors that fit the

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Meegles Dev

Working on Cowboy sprites and playing with Tiled

Choosing a Palette I’ve been trying to lock in a palette for the game, and I might have it. I originally created my own palette, but wasn’t satisfied with it, so I’m using a pre-existing pallet. I like the colors so far, but I’m wondering if I may need to expand the colors. It’s a 48 color palette and building an entire world on a somewhat limited palette seems like it may not be enough,

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